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  • Tianjin Overview
    Dongguan Overview
    Dongguan is a prefecture-level city in central Guangdong Province of South China. An important industrial city in the Pearl River Delta, Dongguan borders the provincial capital of Guangzhou to the north, Huizhou to the northeast, ... learn more
  • City Advantage
    City Advantage
    EconomyDongguan is a major manufacturing hub, although it suffered significant loss of economic activity from the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. The largest industrial sector is manufacturing of electronics and communication... learn more
  • 2017/11/13
    Chinese and US companies signed 34 deals worth $253.5 billion during US President Donald Trump's state visit to China. These deals involved energy, th...
  • 2017/10/15
    Zhang Zhengtao"I tried the work once, and my eyes got sore within a minute," he said. "It broke my heart seeing those young people doing such eye-scor...
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